6 Tips to Run Successful Sales Calls

We are all salespeople. Even if your career doesn’t circulate around the process of creating leads or closing prospects, humans engage in commodity exchanges almost every day both inside and outside the workplace. Learning the skills of a successful salesperson is applicable to many pieces of our lives, from our personal relationships to our careers. And, since 92% of all customer interactions happen over the phone, it’s safe to say that an effective sales call performance can make a large impact on our lives.

At ZipQuote, we get qualified consumers on the line so that all our expert agents have to do is answer. We’ve rounded up a short list of sales call practices in which consumers best respond to, in order to increase closing ratios for our agents, save time, and improve overall sales quality and efficiency.  

  • Smile, Dial, and Empathize-

Prospects don’t want to feel like they are leads being sold to, they want to feel like people. Building rapport is integral in creating a comfortable, smooth conversation between acquaintances, instead of a forced pitch between buyer and seller. Opening the call with a smile and asking the consumer questions of interest can greatly increase the feeling of relaxation and comfort over the phone. A simple, “How is your day going so far?”, or a slight movement off script can make the difference in reminding both parties of the human connection taking place, just as a common face to face conversation would unfold.

  • Be Clear and Simple-

It can often be overwhelming to consumers when there are too many choices filled with too much information. Understanding your customers' basic needs through actively listening, repeating, and clarifying will allow for mutual understanding and create an easier path towards meeting objectives.

  • Stand up, Walk, Get Moving-

Our attitude reflects our bodies and that same reflection can be heard and felt through over the phone in the tone of voice displayed- slumping over your desk is heard loud and clear on the other end of the phone. It is psychologically proven that standing increases confidence and an elevated posture improves the clarity of speech. Getting up from the desk, walking around, throwing a ball at the wall- these are all common ways that successful salespeople refresh the body and mind for an elevated level of conversation.

  • Have the Answers-

As humans, we respect, listen, and obey authority in order to make sense of the chaos in the world. It is a salespersons responsibility to be an authoritative figure and confidently provide information to prospects, gaining trust in the process. Predicting questions, acknowledging uncertainty, and offering solutions are all best practices to gain a consumers trust and business.

  • Create Urgency-

Even after a great conversation, many consumers will put off the decision instead of moving forward immediately. However, building urgency throughout the conversation will ensure that fluidity replaces hesitation when it comes to closing the deal, making you a successful salesperson. Refocus the attention on the problem that you are helping the consumer solve and formulate a sense of urgency in the timeliness of the solution, or offer incentives with approaching end dates to speed up the process.


What about after the phone call ends? Read more tips for what comes next from ZipQuote’s follow up process.

ZipQuote Success Team

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