
Customer Service: 3 Ways Insurance Agents Can Increase Retention

Written by ZipQuote Success Team | Jun 25, 2020 4:00:00 AM

In today’s modern insurance market, there is no shortage of competition. Consumers have more options and access than ever before. With so many options available, agents need to prioritize retention along with new client acquisition. A marketing strategy rooted in retention has the potential to ensure better business longevity. One way agents can implement a client success strategy is by focusing on customer satisfaction. Retention and service go hand in hand. By creating a positive and memorable customer experience you will not only establish stronger connections to your clients but you will also provide them with outstanding service. Here are three ways you can create a positive experience with stellar customer service.

Make Follow-up Part Of Your Process To Increase Customer Satisfaction

Add extra touchpoints after your client completes the transaction. Closing a deal is not the end of your relationship with your customer; in fact you can approach converting a customer as step one. Think about your clients’ lives and integrate unique follow-ups and touchpoints based on these moments and milestones. Upon converting a customer, create a schedule that includes at least a six-month and annual check-in and review.

You can also consider creating surveys that can help you understand if the insurance solutions originally offered are still meeting your clients’ needs or if additional opportunities have arisen. Also, take advantage of the opportunity for warm conversations like wishing your client happy birthday, happy holidays or celebrating any personal milestone they may experience such as a marriage or the birth of a child. Establish a schedule the allows you to connect with your clients via phone or email every 30 to 60 days.

Be Warm, Friendly & Learn About Your Clients For Optimal Customer Service

To prioritize retention, you should focus on building lasted relationships with your clients. Friendly and warm conversations and follow-ups help you to get to know your clients better. Shifting personal circumstances is one of the top reasons clients leave their insurance agent. The best way to avoid this is to try to prepare for changes in your clients’ lives. By developing a close connection with your clients, you can better prepare for changes in their circumstances. Before closing the deal, remember to take detailed notes during each conversation with your potential clients. As they progress down the sales pipeline and you learn more about them, add the information you gain to your CRM. Here are some questions you might want to consider:

  • Is your client married or single?
  • Does your client have children or plans to have children in the near future?
  • Is your client a student or interested in furthering their education?
  • What is your client’s career and job title? Do they travel often for work? Do they work from home?
  • Does your client intend to move soon? Are they interested in becoming a landlord?


These are just a few questions to help you think about all of the life changes and events that you can prepare for in advance. Remember to review your client’s data in your CRM before every conversation. This will help you start the conversation with a warm interaction, and help keep the client engaged in the relationship.

Click here to read more communication tips from ZipQuote.

Stay Genuine & Don’t Over Automate To Scale Client Success

Technology allows agents to create and schedule hundreds of automated messages easily but “over automation” can create distance between agents and their clients. Automated emails and text messages are useful marketing tactics, but too much automation could alienate your clients. Remember to use the same approach to retain customers as you did when you were first trying to close the deal. Be empathetic, understanding and listen to your clients. It is likely that at some point your client might be attracted to a competitor and seek a quote.

Personalized customer service that helps clients feel heard will help you increase retention over time. Review your marketing calendar and make note of the number of automated messages you plan to use. Try to keep the number of automated messages to 50% or less over a 12-month period of time. Also, check the metrics of your email marketing to current clients. Analyze email delivery rates, open rates and click-through rates. If these number are decreasing over time or seem very low, consider calling your client to confirm their preferred method of communication and ask if they have a new email address.

Personalized Customer Service is Key For Success

Personalized service will help you create a positive customer experience. By creating a calendar for each client with a series of monthly and annual touchpoints, utilizing your CRM to keep detailed client notes and avoiding over automation you have the opportunity to surprise and delight your current customers with the same top level service they experienced at the top of the sales funnel. The team at ZipQuote understands the value of stellar customer service. Our team of experienced marketing professionals believes our clients are part of our community. When you partner with ZipQuote you can expect an agent-focused approach. Click here to learn more about how ZipQuote can help you grow your business. Contact us!