
How Can You Prepare for Open Enrollment? - Tips for Agents

Written by ZipQuote Success Team | Jul 16, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Open Enrollment Period approaches quickly, and health insurance agents must be completely prepared for the influx of consumers flooding in. Although there will be customers that qualify for special enrollment throughout the year, using the “off-season” months to prep for open-enrollment can be very beneficial to agents in saving time, energy, and resources. Here are 4 ways for agents to stay organized and efficient in the months leading up to Open Enrollment. 


Get Your Name Out There-

Although the period of open-enrollment may seem like the best time to launch an advertising campaign, it’s difficult to stand out from your competitors when they are also saving their large marketing push until October. In order to be the most efficient during, you need to lay marketing groundwork months before! Invest in a couple, low budget marketing efforts that put your name into the minds of consumers. 

Delegate Your Outbound Efforts-

Wouldn’t you like to spend more time writing policies, and less time searching for prospects? Delegating lead-generation to the experts at ZipQuote gives you more time to focus on closing sales instead of searching for customers. Establishing optimal filters, regions, and other preferences to your account now will ensure you are ready for the influx of consumers come OEP. 

Maintain Social Media Profiles-

As the use of digital profiles grows across platforms, creating an approachable depiction of yourself can greatly increase your chances of being contacted and given new business. Over 72% of all consumers use the internet to gather information surrounding healthcare options. Online platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook provide the foundation for these online searches, allowing consumers convenient access to people and their services. Create approachable online profiles to attract searching consumers. 

Keep Up with the Industry-

Like most things, the health insurance industry is constantly changing. From the times of door-to-door customer service and at home monthly premium pickups, to the Affordable Care Act and Open Enrollment enforcements, keeping up with these changes is crucial to benefit agents and clients. Many customers are unaware of updates to demands, eligibility requirements, consequences, etc. Accumulating as much knowledge as possible to the current status of the health insurance industry before open enrollment begins is the best way for agents to meet the needs of many consumers. Get reading!