Insurance Sales Process: 5 Tips To Boost Success

Successful agents are fueled by an active pipeline, but since business pipelines do not fill themselves, one of the most advantageous tools for driving sales and generating conversions is a solid insurance sales process. No amount of market expertise or work ethic alone can replace the positive impact of a strong insurance sales process. Here are five tips for building a strong insurance sales process as part of a multi-channel prospecting strategy.

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#1. Define Customer Profiles And Contact Preferences

Depending on demographic factors such as age, prospects will have different preferences on how they want to communicate and receive information. Here are some examples of varying communication preferences among generational segments according to Notre Dame of Maryland University:

    • Baby Boomers often prefer to speak over the phone or in person.
    • Gen X prefers to communicate via email.
    • Millennials are least responsive via phone. Instead this group prefers digital methods of contact including texting, online messaging and email.
    • Gen Z, similarly to Millennials, are best reached with digital messaging platforms. However, speed of response is crucial for this group, because many assume rapid response is an expected result of digital communication.


By defining a series of customer profiles, agents will be able to easily categorize their leads and assign each group to the most effective corresponding strategy.

#2. Create An Insurance Sales Process & Stick To It

Time management and consistency are essential skills any top producer should master. It is very difficult to handle the volume of an inbound sales funnel without a sales process. Creating an insurance sales process does not have to be complex. Start with identifying which tactics you want to implement and corresponding timeframes. For example, your sales process for internet leads might include the following tasks:

  • Call
  • Text
  • Email
  • First follow-up call
  • Mail
  • Second email


While creating your insurance sales process, you may want to consider establishing varied contact methods and timelines based on how you received the lead. For example, your live transfer process will probably look a little different from your internet lead process because you are able to interact and engage with them right away. If you feel email communication delivers you the greatest lead engagement, consider creating a thorough workflow based on a series of if/then scenarios. This will help you set automatic reminders and stay top of mind with prospects even during cooler parts of the sales cycle.

#3. Add Personal Touches Throughout The Insurance Sales Process

Most prospects will not expect to receive something from an agent before their transaction is completed. Adding personal touches such as mailing a hand-written note or a small item at the beginning or middle of the contact cycle can help agents stand out and create an engaging touch point with their prospective customers.

Need help working your leads? Check out this article!

#4. Set Up Alerts To Notify You Of Lead Engagement

Once you’ve invested time and money into a sales and marketing strategy, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to connect with an engaged prospect. By contacting a prospect quickly, you can establish a connection with them while they are expressing a high level of interest in your solutions, content or services. Most CRMs have tools that can help you set up alerts on prospects’ engagement with your website, email and even social media content. Your insurance sales process should include tactics based on lead activity.

#5. Stay Human, Don’t Over-Automate

“Set it and forget it” may seem like an ideal way to manage communications for a high quantity of contacts, but often exaggerated use of automation can feel impersonal and isolate your contacts. Create a balance in your insurance sale process between automatic and organic follow-up. This will help you stay responsive and manage your communication, while also maintaining milestones for personal interaction where you can learn more about your prospects’ needs.

A Strong Insurance Sales Process Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Pipeline management is both easier and more outcome-driven when applied through an insurance sales process. A structured approach can help agents be more efficient, effective and productive. Combined with a commitment to customer service, knowledgeable salesmanship and market familiarity, a sales process can help agents maintain steady and profitable pipeline volume. If you are looking to fill your pipeline with high-intent leads and calls, contact us to learn how you can start receiving reliable, high-quality leads.

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