A+ Customer Service Tips That Impress Policyholders

With the kick-off of Q4, client retention into 2022 and beyond is key for sustaining your agency’s success. Positive client retention rates and customer loyalty start with prioritizing your customer service tactics and creating a memorable and personalized customer experience for policyholders. Consumers continue demanding more connectivity, availability and faster solutions-driven approaches from their insurance representatives. 

Many top producers in the insurance industry agree that it’s easier to keep a customer than attract a new client into their agency. Providing your customer support team with the necessary skills to retain customers is essential to your agency's success. Read on to learn customer service tips that will help your agency stand out from the competition by exceeding the expectations of existing policyholders, attracting and retaining new prospects and make your current clients trust in your service team that they’ll want to refer their family and friends.

Prioritize Providing Fast, Convenient Customer Support To Policyholders

Your clients want effective solutions in the most efficient manner. A client’s greatest asset is their time. 

According to current data, “73% of online adults in the US claim that the best thing a brand can do to offer them great customer support is to ‘value their time’ (Forrester).” When you value your client's time by simplifying the customer support process, you are meeting client’s expectations while allowing your agency to maximize productivity. 

If your support team isn’t easily accessible to your policyholders when they have a need for your service or question, it could hinder your agency’s reputation and credibility. To set up your agency for success and create a valuable customer experiences for your clients, you should prioritize creating streamlined processes that will help your team consistently provide the best service possible. 

Here are three actionable ways you can help improve your customer support protocols:

  • Provide clients with web and mobile self-service options available 24/7.
  • A web-chat option on your website,  giving your clients access to knowledgeable, approachable team members who can walk them through their questions immediately.
  • FAQs easily located on your website and mobile app.


Leverage Client Feedback To Optimize Your Customer Experience 

Client feedback is a very powerful tool that can help take your agency to the next level. Feedback should always be welcomed, acknowledged and analyzed as it gives you direct insight into the client experience. In order to be successful, you should know how to meet and exceed the expectations of all stakeholders and clients, and leveraging feedback can help you pinpoint areas of opportunity that could’ve been missed otherwise. Creating feedback opportunities can help retention efforts at your agency by providing tangible improvement opportunities that consistently create a more positive customer experience. Clients want to feel like they are seen, heard and that their opinions are valued, which is why feedback is so valuable for clients and agencies. 

Feedback can be gained by providing multichannel communication options to ask for feedback, including in-person exchanges, social media communications, phone system feedback menu options and feedback from emails and live chats. Implementing these different options for offering policyholders' feedback gives your clients an opportunity to share their experiences with your agency. Being responsive to all feedback, both negative and positive, is essential. Feedback helps your agency learn, grow exponentially and maintain clients who are happy with your services. 

Launch Agency-Based Incentive Programs To Reward Loyal Customers 

It’s become commonplace for big brands to leverage rewards programs such as points, discounts or free items to boost customer loyalty, so why not implement a similar rewards program at your agency? Building customer loyalty is a huge milestone for an agency and taking the extra step to maintain it is always worth it.

Three actionable ways you can kick off a loyalty program at your agency are: 

  • Leverage social media and invite your clients to interact with your agency’s content through raffles or giveaways. 
  • Create an online community where client participation in community or agency events can result in ‘swag points’ to receive free giveaway items. 
  • Design referral programs that reward your clients with special gifts for referring new clients.


Creating a positive customer experiences and setting each client up for success is a meaningful way to establish a highly profitable business model. ZipQuote believes that customer success also comes from investing in strategic partnerships to enhance your goals. Being a part of the ZipQuote community means you have a best-in-class customer success team at your fingertips. When you partner with ZipQuote, you can expect the assistance of a knowledgeable team of professionals who want to see you succeed and have a track record built on sustained value. Click here to learn more about how ZipQuote can help you grow your business. 

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ZipQuote Success Team

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