18 Oct The Business of Promoting Yourself Online [White Paper]

The Business of Promoting Yourself Online [White Paper] - ZipQuote

The Business of Promoting Yourself Online [White Paper]


18 Oct The Business of Promoting Yourself Online [White Paper]

In today’s day and age, many people speak and interact with the world through 140-character status updates. However, social media is no longer just limited to sharing “What’s on your mind?” as companies around the world continue to embrace social media to grow and expand their businesses and connect with customers in new and unique ways. There are currently 50 million Facebook Business Pages and counting. But sometimes it’s not enough to just have a company business page on social platforms.

Some industries, such as insurance, real estate, and news may benefit from employees having their own individual professional accounts as well. Social media isn’t only great for networking and building relationships with current and potential clients, but it’s also helping drive traffic to websites. Shareaholic, a content marketing hub, shared a report in 2015 that found that social media was the top driver of all website referral traffic. “As of December 2014, 31.24% of all referral traffic was from social media; compare this to the 22.71% from the same period in the previous year,” Forbes reported.

Click the white paper below to learn how to get started and maximize your social media presence as an agent.


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