Asking For The Sale Part 2: Behavior Barriers In Closing The Deal

Closing the deal is the key to a sustainable pipeline, a strong conversion rate, and a profitable insurance business. Unfortunately, many insurance sales agents have great customer service skills but are not confident in their ability to boldly ask for the sale. Mastering “the ask” is essential for a top producer’s sales. In the competitive landscape of the insurance industry, an agent’s ability to effectively ask for the sale might determine their overall success rate.

Last week, we introduced part one of our series “Asking For The Sale.” You learned why it is important insurance agents master asking for the sale, and can identify the obstacles that may hinder an agent from asking. Now you will learn how to ask for the sale effectively.

3 Behaviors To Avoid When Asking For The Sale

  1. Repeatedly using the inauthentic response, “Great” 

Consumers know when a salesperson is being fake. There is nothing worse than being on the receiving end of a call and feeling the other person you are giving your time to is being insincere. Although it is important to display a friendly, positive, and upbeat demeanor, consumers also want to relate to the person with whom they choose to give their business. A productive sales conversation requires astute listening and the empathy that follows. Keep it real as you prepare to ask for the sale.

  1. Robotically running through a list of questions without listening

Asking a series of pre-written questions that are unrelated to your prospect's responses will not help you establish a connection that will you convert a contact into a customer. In fact, often when an insurance agent robotically runs down a list of questions, it typically does not take long for their prospect to become disengaged and frustrated. Even though preparation and organization are key to a productive sales process, the most successful insurance agents know relationships, and the ability to form a connection to a prospect is vital to strong conversion rates. Whether you are speaking to a fresh prospect for the first time or reconnecting with a client, the ability to remain nimble and tailor the conversation to the needs of your customer will help you prepare to ask for the sale and receive a positive reception.

  1. Being overly aggressive or anxious in your request

Energy is often transferred from one person to another. Even through a phone conversation, an approachable and kind persona will typically set a prospect at ease while an unenthusiastic tone will likely alienate them. The worst way to enter a sales conversation is conveying energy that is overly aggressive or anxious. A relationship between an insurance agent and a customer is a symbiotic partnership, where both sides should experience benefits. Honesty and a customer-centric focus based on understanding the needs of your prospect are more strategic ways to set up a conversation for the ask. Antagonism, aggression and just being too pushy will likely build a wall between you and your prospective customers and will prevent them from welcoming your attempt to close the deal.

Clearly identifying deterring sales tactics will help you focus on the actions that drive results and naturally progress the sale forward. As you hone your sales strategy and closing style, ZipQuote is focused on providing you with high-quality insurance leads. ZipQuote can help you increase your funnel and connect you with high-intent leads and calls. With the right pipeline of quality inquiries and prospects, your team of insurance sales agents will have the resources they need to become top producers. Contact the experienced team at ZipQuote, today!

ZipQuote Success Team

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