
5 Reasons A CRM Is A Powerful Tool For Insurance Agents

Written by ZipQuote Success Team | Sep 25, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Even with optimal selling techniques, without the proper tools it is difficult for insurance agents to remain competitive in the current market. While traditional sales techniques and strategic marketing plans are important, to be productive and effective, insurance agents need tools that will help them stay organized and learn about their clients. A customer relationship management system, or a CRM, can make a positive impact on an agent’s business.

A CRM is a powerful tool that can help an insurance agent be more efficient, prioritize key tasks to advance a lead through the sales funnel and optimize their time spent on actions that help them drive conversions. One of the essential drivers to convert a prospective client into a customer is a timely response. In addition to helping agents avoid wasting time manually updating spreadsheets and sorting through countless emails, CRMs enable insurance agents to spend more time selling and prospecting.

Here are five powerful reasons to consider investing in a CRM before 2021.

1. 91% Of Companies With More Than 11 Employees Now Use CRM Software

If you are not using a CRM already, you are likely lagging behind your competition. Nearly all companies are currently using a CRM to help them manage their sales process. While you might be spending time trying to remember every recent phone call and email you exchanged with a prospective client, your competition is likely reviewing a dashboard that quickly reveals where all of their hottest contacts are in their sales journeys.

2. 50% Of Teams Improved Their Productivity By Using A Mobile CRM

Many CRMs are available to access on multiple devices. Because of their adaptability, CRMs can easily deliver powerful data in the palm of your hand. Agents don’t need to be attached to their desks in order to access the benefits of their CRM. Teams who use their CRM on their mobile devices claim it has made a positive impact on their productivity.

3. CRM Applications Can Help Increase Sales By Up To 29%

Many sales teams greatly benefit from the organization and efficiencies most CRMs offer. In a market where “speed to lead” often determines success, it is crucial for insurance agents to use tools that help them keep track of prospects at all steps in the sales process while maximizing their ability to learn about their new customers.

4. 74% Of Users Said Their CRM System Gave Them Improved Access To Customer Data

More and more consumers are researching and shopping for insurance online. To understand the needs of evolving audiences, access to customer data is key. The better you can organize and review customer data, the better you will be able to deploy targeted marketing efforts to connect with prospective customers who are most likely to close.

5. 47% Of Polled CRM Users Said That Their CRM Had A Significant Impact On Customer Retention

In the insurance industry, customer retention is key. Just because a customer seems satisfied with your services does not mean you are guaranteed to never lose them to another provider. Consistently executing high-touch engagement with your current customers can help you to minimize churn. It is difficult to schedule follow-up and prioritize communication without a CRM.

Agents Need Powerful Marketing Tools To Flood Their Pipelines And Fuel Their CRMs

Powerful tools are less impactful without a steady flow of prospective customers. A CRM is most useful when aligned with the result of an effective digital marketing and lead generation strategy. To maximize pipeline management and maintain strong conversion rates, agents should be considering marketing strategies that best connect them to consumers at the moment when they are most ready to take action. ZipQuote can help you target premium consumer traffic anywhere in the country. Click here to learn more about how ZipQuote can help you grow your business. Contact us!