20 Jul 4 Steps to Customer Retention

4 Steps to Customer Retention - ZipQuote

4 Steps to Customer Retention


20 Jul 4 Steps to Customer Retention

As a sales rep, I know retaining customers is vital in the industry. Saying goodbye to customers is never easy, so here are four steps to increase customer retention!


It is extremely important to keep the customer informed and be as realistic with them as you possibly can from a business/revenue generating stand point.

When challenges occur, put yourself in the customer’s shoes-how would you want the conversation to go on the receiving end?

If you feel like the customer service rep is going out of their way to be honest with you then the conversation and relationship feels more realistic as opposed to the customer feeling like we are trying to take their money.

Keep it light keep it simple-always refer to terms of service.


If the customer can sense your frustration then you are doing something wrong.

Leverage your capabilities – wisely and responsibly!  

Control the Conversation

If the customer can’t hear your smile, then you are not promoting positivity.  

Listen, listen, listen……let the customer voice all concerns and continue asking questions so you can get as many detailed responses as possible.

You can run the entire conversation just from listening, even though it may not feel like you are because you aren’t using your voice.


Always be there for the customer!

Be available on as many outlets as possible and make sure that your customer knows when and how they can reach you.


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