4 Reasons Insurance Agents Should Keep Advertising During The Holidays

As the weather cools and the holiday season approaches, some insurance agents prepare to pause their advertising efforts and marketing campaigns. Traditionally, some insurance professionals have adopted these behaviors. However, pausing or limited advertising efforts during the holidays is not the most effective strategy to drive conversions. The end of the year often seems like a time when business slows down. Even though consumers devote most of their energy to celebrations, gifts and other seasonal activities, it is not the end of the sales cycle. November and December represent an insurance agent’s last opportunity to make an impact. Agents can engage prospects and connect with customers before the year is through. 

2020 has been a unique year for both insurance agents and their customers. As insurance agents strive to close out the year strong, they must also evaluate their advertising efforts. Here are four reasons why insurance agents should keep advertising campaigns live during the holiday season. 

#1. 2020 Delayed The Seasonal Sales Cycle

In the past, the spring typically offers a seasonal boost for auto insurance interest. Yet, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic altered the car buying and insurance purchasing process for many consumers. Many dealerships and automakers experienced weeks or months of complete closure or limited service. Shelter in place restrictions across the country dampened the number of consumer transactions related to buying or leasing vehicles. By keeping campaigns live and maintaining advertising efforts during November and December, insurance agents are positioning themselves to be found by consumers whose purchases were delayed earlier in the year and may now have insurance needs. 

#2. Consumers Are Spending More Time Online

In addition to altering the traditional seasonality of the insurance sales cycle, COVID-19 has also led to an increase in the amount of time consumers spend online. Looking back, in-person events or other interactive marketing efforts have been impactful. In 2020, digital marketing and advertising have become an even stronger strategy to connect with prospective customers. As many states enter colder months, consumers will be spending more time at home. Keeping your campaigns live during the end of Q4 will keep your services in front of high-intent consumers who are actively seeking insurance solutions. 

#3. The Calendar Should Not Dictate Your Business

What six words often have a negative result on business? Answer: “We’ve always done things this way.” You may assume fewer consumers are looking for insurance solutions during the holiday season. When you pause your campaigns, you are automatically limiting yourself from any positive possibilities. While many insurance agents have viewed the holiday season as a slow time for business, there may not be a quantitative reason for this approach, especially this year.

By keeping advertising campaigns live during November and December and also promoting other marketing efforts, insurance agents have the opportunity to humanize their services. This is a unique opportunity to connect with people during a time when the ideas of community and togetherness are top of mind. Consider altering campaigns and advertising efforts during December to feature and highlight more relatable aspects of your business. You can promote your charitable or social responsibility initiatives and promote any blog and email content related to safety during the holidays. 

#4. Adult Consumers Will Be Open To Distraction, Like Searching For Insurance

A vast number of adult consumers in the U.S. in the coming weeks will be home with their families. During the holiday season, they may have fewer work obligations. Consumers will not be able to rely on work tasks as a reasonable excuse to pull them away from family demands. Many adults will welcome the opportunity for distractions, including annual tasks like updating and reviewing insurance policies. If you continue your digital advertising and marketing efforts, you will position yourself to be found when consumers are most interested and ready to take action. You want to be seen when consumers are looking for you. 

2020 has altered many aspects of business life. These shifts also affected advertising strategies. Consumers are demanding access, convenience and optionality more than ever. By maintaining insurance advertising efforts during the holidays, you are opening yourself to opportunities for new business. If you are looking to connect with more consumers who are actively searching for insurance, ZipQuote can help. When you partner with ZipQuote, you can expect the assistance of a knowledgeable team of professionals who want to see you succeed.

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