4 New Year’s Resolutions To Power Up Insurance Agents In 2021

Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get back to business. January is not only the kick-off to a new year and a new quarter. It is also a pivotal time to embrace new habits and leave behind the habits that slowed your success. To start the year off strong, insurance agents need to commit to practicing strategies that bring them closer to achieving their goals. Agents should leave sales process tactics that don’t work in the past. Here are four powerful resolutions to inspire insurance sales success in 2021. 

#1. Keep Your CRM Updated & Organized

One of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of any sales professional is a CRM. When used properly, a CRM can help an insurance agent collect, store and mine data. It can also help agents track engagement and schedule or automate follow-up contact and nurturing. CRMs allow insurance agents to spend more time selling and prospecting, but you need to keep them updated and organized. Don’t wait until the end of the week to add details from interaction with clients and prospects to your CRM. If you wait, you may leave out useful information that can be helpful later. In 2021, commit to regularly updating your CRM as part of your sales process. Click here to learn more about the powerful ways using a CRM can impact an insurance agent’s business. 

#2. Make A Sales Process And Stick To It

Don’t start 2021 without a plan. Time management and consistency are key elements for a successful selling strategy and driving a high conversion rate. Creating a plan starts with maintaining a sales process that is designed to help you amplify your time management and communication consistency in 2021. Both your sales process and a CRM can help you effectively implement ways to connect more quickly to high-intent leads.

When establishing the steps in your new sales process, be sure to consider different actions that correlate to the various channels in your marketing strategy. This includes internet leads, social media, email and inbound and outbound calls. Also when setting a communication schedule, be sure to consider establishing varied contact methods and timelines based on how you received leads. One of the essential drivers to convert a prospective client into a customer is a timely response. Consider adding a series of automated emails and scheduled reminders based on prospect engagement triggers to your sales process. Click here to read more tips on creating a successful sales process. 

#3. Improve Your Outbound Call Strategy

While it may seem much of your client interactions are migrating to digital channels, calls are still a key component in an omni-channel marketing strategy. Calls can be a warmer way to connect with new prospects and will likely help you to retain customers over time with more genuine and personable conversations. Improving your outbound call strategy includes a careful review of both call quality and quantity. To make the most of every call, dedicate time in 2021 to developing and practicing call scripts that can help you navigate a prospect to the next milestone in the sales process. Also, make sure you are not ignoring opportunities presented from leaving a voicemail. Here are three articles to help you hone your phone skills for 2021: 


#4. Build Brand Awareness By Asking For More Customer Reviews

When was the last time you asked your clients for a review? Customer testimonials are powerful ways to promote yourself to new clients. Top producers in the insurance business know how to leverage tactics that help them identify prospects and also help prospective clients find them easily. Online reviews and customer testimonials are a great way to grow your brand recognition among consumers seeking insurance solutions. By curating positive online customer reviews, insurance agents can establish trust and build a reputation for quality service, while also growing their brand awareness. In 2021, commit to asking your customers to provide a review of you and your services on search engines like Google and social media sites like Facebook. Click here to learn five ways to ask your current customers for a review. 

BONUS RESOLUTION: Drive 2021 Business By Connecting With A New Lead Provider

January is the time to hit the ground running, but you might need to align with new partners to boost your marketing efforts. Now is the time to find an experienced, professional and compliant lead provider that will help you with customer acquisition efforts and grow with you as your business expands. Top internet lead providers, like ZipQuote work with prospective lead buyers like you to identify the ways you can amplify your lead buying strategy in 2021. Connect with ZipQuote to learn how you can get your business in front of the right consumers at the right time to drive sales and boost your closing rate. 

Use the resolutions outlined above to inspire you to take on new habits that will help you foster success for your insurance business throughout the year. Click here to learn more about how ZipQuote can help you grow your business.

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