
3 Tips For Marketing Insurance To Parents & Teens

Written by ZipQuote Success Team | Sep 3, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Understanding the needs of your target audience is key to maintaining a steady pipeline and strong conversion rates. While adults represent a core audience segment for many insurance agents, it is important not to forget the insurance needs of teens. According to data from, among 16 – 19-year-olds, the probability of experiencing a major motor vehicle crash is higher than all other age groups. However, for many teens seeking independence and the next stage of adulthood, obtaining a driver’s license is essential. Obtaining proper driver’s and car insurance, therefore, is equally as important.

Many consumers often have a tendency to purchase products or services from brands with which they are familiar. The concept of brand loyalty also can be seen in the insurance marketplace. Insurance agents who can successfully connect with parents and teens increase the likelihood of converting lifetime clients. Ensure success by providing solutions for all stages of their insurance needs and evolving life circumstances.

Publish Digital Content To Help Parents & Teens Find You Online

Word of mouth alone is not enough to reach younger consumers. Young consumers are highly tech-savvy. They are more likely to research your services online before contacting you or submitting an inquiry. Content marketing can be a strategic way to attract younger consumers to your website. This can ultimately help you reach and engage a highly interested audience. Make sure you are creating digital content such as blogs and videos aimed at connecting with a teen audience.

Your content should pertain to younger consumers in the sales funnel: cost, time, process, and approachable overviews of getting insured for the first time. It may help to incorporate safe driving tips and resources to help young drivers establish safe habits. Maintaining a consistent content marketing strategy will give you content to use in your newsletter and social media channels. It will also increase the likelihood that you will be found online through search engine inquires.

Create An Online Experience Designed Specifically For A Teen Target Audience

Make sure it is easy for parents and teens to find you and information about your services online. Create landing pages and microsites with a simple and effective call to actions that will help teens and their parents connect with you quickly and communicate their interests and needs. Younger consumers will likely be skeptical of an overly complicated process. Most teens seek out seamless and frictionless online experiences. Consider testing SMS messaging as well as email communication to allow for teens’ preferred method of communication. Teens who can easily find and submit forms online ton request information may ultimately recommend you to their parents.

Leverage Various Social Media Channels To Tailor Your Message And Connect With Different Age Groups

When it comes to social media, one size does not fit all. While Facebook ads may help you target and engage older consumers, it is likely that you will not connect with teen consumers on the same platform as effectively. Consider using platforms like Instagram and Snapchat to convey the benefits of your services. You should include safe driving tips and similar content in graphics, videos and text posts. On Instagram alone, #carinsurance has more than 184K posts. The hashtag #teendriver has nearly 32K posts and depicts the content of parents and teens embarking on their first drives together, celebrating new licenses, and even congratulatory permit posts.

When promoting your digital content via social media, consider targeting parents on Facebook based on their needs, versus what teens will engage with on other platforms. No matter what content you are posting to your social channels, aim to develop content consumers of all ages will be encouraged to share.

ZipQuote can help connect you with prospects who are most ready to take action. Even though your own records may help you identify which of your current clients have teenage children, you shouldn’t rely on your CRM alone. You’ll need fresh leads to move through the sale funnel. The experienced team at ZipQuote is committed to providing its customers with high-quality insurance leads. ZipQuote can help you increase your funnel and connect you with high-intent leads and calls. Contact the experienced team at ZipQuote, today!