
How to Actually Get That Callback: 10 Effective Voicemail Tips

Written by ZipQuote Success Team | May 14, 2020 4:00:00 AM

“Ring, Ring – You have reached the voicemail box of...” Sound familiar?
Do you find yourself spending hours of your working day leaving voicemails for prospective clients who don’t typically return your calls? It can feel frustrating to dedicate a chunk of time to a task that does not seem to reap rewards for your business. 80% of cold sales calls go a voicemail. Learning how to leave a compelling voicemail message can make an enormous positive impact on your business, and help you turn more leads into policies- That's why the ZipQuote team is here to give you 10 effective voicemail tips!

Voicemail Is Most Effective When It Is Part Of a Larger Strategy

Although voicemail generally has a customer response rate of 4-6%, it can serve as the platform to begin warm interactions with prospects. Like any other sales strategy, the act of leaving a voicemail does not guarantee future business. Although you can send a high quantity of emails in a short period of time, when an agent leaves voicemails for their prospects, it enables them to convey more personalized and high-quality messages.

In fact, leaving a great voicemail can help you get your foot in the door with new prospects. 44% of sales professionals will give up after one call attempt, even though it typically takes an average of four to five phone interactions to complete a sale. An unanswered voicemail, therefore, is not the end of a pitch but could be the beginning of a beneficial sales relationship.

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10 Voicemail Tips 

A well-crafted and thoughtful voicemail can set the stage for follow-up phone conversations that will bring you closer to closing the deal. Here are ten voicemail tips to help you make the most of your voicemails.

#1. Schedule Calls For Later In The Day

Remember, what is convenient for you is not always convenient for your prospects. Your prospects likely face most of their tasks and distractions at the beginning of their day. By scheduling your calls later in the day, you increase your chances to connect with your target prospects.

#2. Keep It Short

Just because a voicemail box might allow you to drone on for a few minutes doesn’t mean you should. The most impactful voicemail messages are concise. Aim to speak for no more than 20-30 seconds. This should provide you with enough time to relay a purposeful message to your prospect without wasting their time. Remember not to be curt or too brief to avoid leaving your prospects in the dark regarding the reason for your call.

#3. Be Mindful Of Your Tone

As you leave your voicemail message, consider not only what you are saying but how you sound saying it. Tone and delivery can help you convey relatability, positivity, and expertise. Try to be friendly, confident, and casual. Avoid sounding overly excited or fake. Also, consider the pitch of your voice and the pace at which you are speaking. Use your natural speaking voice and remember not to rush through your words.

#4. Have A Purpose & Personalize

Be prepared to leave a message. Lead with the information that is most relevant to the person you are calling. Prepare a statement that highlights the key benefits of your services. Treat this initial voicemail as a hook for follow-up conversations. If you have knowledge about the consumer, weave it into your message for a personalized touch. You are more likely to engage your prospect’s interests if they sense you are offering them solutions based on their unique needs.

#5. Leave Breadcrumbs For The Next Interaction

Do not use your prospects’ inboxes as a dumping ground. Consider what information you are leaving behind that will spur future interactions. Do not pack all of your offers and insight into one voicemail. Instead, treat the initial voicemail as the beginning of a conversation and aim to build on it later via a follow-up phone or email conversation.

#6. Encourage Urgency, But Avoid Desperation

Make sure your message does not leave an open-ended response. A voicemail needs a call to action. Communicate a sense of urgency to convince your prospect that a quick follow-up could give them access to better benefits. The best way to do this is by mentioning a specific timeframe constraint. Depending on the purpose of your call, time-sensitive information could encourage a call back more quickly from your prospect.

#7. Ask Questions

Avoid making your voicemails sound like spoken duplications of your emails. Voicemail is your opportunity to ask your prospect questions and be hyper-specific. Presenting questions not only gives the prospect a reason to return your call, but also shows them you understand their needs while setting the stage for future interactions. You may want to ask, “Do you have any questions about the info I emailed you last week?”

#8. Send An Immediate Follow-up Email

Voicemails do best when they don’t operate in a silo. To get the best performance from voicemails, pair them with email messages. The proper voicemail technique paired with email marketing can help you raise your response rate by up to 11%. By pairing these two tactics together, you can create a thoughtful and customized prospecting approach that could deliver strong sales conversion rates.

#9. Restate Contact Info

No matter how great you sound or how intriguing your message, if your prospect does not know how to reach you, you will not increase your conversion rates. Remember to repeat your name and contact information at the beginning and end of the message. Do not assume your contact has your phone number or email address from previous interactions. Also, keep the interaction frictionless. No one wants to hunt down a phone number – by providing your contact information you are saving your prospect time and effort.

#10. Record & Rehearse

Whether you’ve been in business for one year or ten years, practicing your pitch is always helpful. To make the best impression with your voicemails, use the voice recorder on your phone to review your message in advance. This will help you time your message and review your tone, pace, and delivery. Practicing your voicemail messages will always help you become more comfortable with the content and sound less robotic than reading.

Learning how to optimize your voicemail technique can be advantageous in helping you achieve your business goals. Once you have used these voicemail tips and established contact, here are 6 tips for a successful sales call.
